Senior Week

Sunday, May 11th : Washington Nationals vs. St Louis Cardinals @1:35 p.m.

Come cheer on the Nationals, or the Cardinals, at Nats Park! Transportation is your responsibility, and ticket pick-up is TBA

Monday, May 12th : Dave and Buster's, 5 - 7 p.m.

Come enjoy Unlimited Gameplay at Dave and Buster's Silver Spring Location. Enjoy a cash bar and an extensive menu as well. Tons of apps, flatbreads, wings, and pretzels are being offered, as well as many vegetarian options. Casual attire; transportation is your responsibility.

Tuesday, May 13th : Puttery, 4 - 7 p.m. 

Come enjoy a relaxing evening of indoor mini-golf at Puttery! Enjoy exclusive gameplay on the Conservatory and Illusion Courses, in addition to a cash bar, and many shareable plates as well. Casual attire; transportation is your responsibility. 

Wednesday, May 14th : Senior Gala, 7 - 11 p.m.

As a last hurrah, join us for Senior Gala at The National Portrait Gallery. Black tie attire, and enjoy a cash bar, DJ, dance floor, and photo booth for the one last Catholic U event before graduation. Transportation is your responsibility.

Tickets can be purchased here:
Questions? Email for more information.

Senior Class Gift

Class of 2025, It's Time to Give Back!
Each year, the senior class comes together to leave a lasting impact on Catholic University through the Senior Class Gift — a tradition of generosity that strengthens the CatholicU community. Now, it's your turn to pay it forward!
The Student Philanthropy Council challenges the Class of 2025 to reach 50% participation in giving back to the programs, organizations, and departments that shaped your journey at CatholicU.

💡Why Give?
Your donation isn’t just a gift—it’s an investment in the future of CatholicU students who will walk in your footsteps. With over 70 annual funds to choose from, you can directly support what mattered most to you —whether that’s your academic department, athletic team, scholarship programs, student organizations, Campus Ministry, or more.

🎓 Make Your Gift Meaningful!
By choosing where your donation goes, you ensure that the next generation of CatholicU students has even greater opportunities and experiences. Every dollar makes a difference!

💰Thank you!
Give $20.25 or more, and you’ll receive an exclusive senior donor cord to wear at commencement — showing your Cardinal pride and commitment to Catholic University’s future.

This is our moment to make a difference. Let’s come together, give back, and leave our legacy

Donate Today!